Dryer Lint Collector
CLM built-on stainless steel lint traps are the most worry-free solution available for your lint control needs. The CLM "LT" dry type lint collector is stainless steel and includes its own fire protection system and an air reservoir for lint blowdown, saving pressure in the air lines of the rest of the plant.
In use in plants across the nation in applications ranging from denim processing to linen supply to institutional and industrial use, CLM’s lint traps reflect our years of experience in designing and building industrial dryers. After all, who understands lint problems better than an industrial dryer manufacturer? CLM’s lint filters are constructed of strong and durable stainless steel to avoid the problems associated with other outmoded lint filter materials.
Designed specifically for 200# (LT200), 400# Compact (LT400K), 400# and 600# (LT 400) and 800# dryers (LT800), CLM’s lint traps mount directly onto any CLM dryer in existence or can be remote-mounted.
Unlike other lint filters, CLM lint collectors have been designed for easy, simplified maintenance and increased efficiency. Because the lint traps can be mounted directly onto the dryer, lint bag and cleaning and filter maintenance can be accomplished right in the drying department, without the need for ladders or roof access.
Lint Collector Features
- Works with all makes of industrial dryers
- Stainless steel construction with stainless lint screen
- Easy maintenance increased efficiency
- Interfaces with MicroCommand™ controls
- Available factory-installed on CLM dryers
- Automatic lint blowdown
- Air reservoir, dryer mounted, reduces burden on plant compressed air system
- Water spray, over heat/fire protection
- Side mount or floor mount styles
- Length of blowdown is programmable.
All models come complete with air reservoir tank and all controls for easy installation and decreased burden on plant compressed air supply. At the end of each drying cycle, the lint screen is automatically blown down using the air stored in the standard reservoir and lint automatically falls into the bag below.
For greater efficiency and improved operation, all models interface directly with MicroCommand™ controls, thereby eliminating the need for timers or relays.
Call CLM or your authorized CLM dealer today.